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주요연구분야 최소침습 신생혈관생성법

최소침습 신생 혈관 생성법


최소침습 신생 혈관 생성 기술은

모야모야병(Moyamoya disease)과 같은 대뇌 혈류장애를 보이는 환자에게 간접적으로 혈관재형성(Revascularization) 및 신생 혈관 생성(angiogenesis)을
유도하는 기술로, 다른 기술 대비 최소 침습적이며 약물 병합을 통해 보다 건강한 혈관을 생성시킬 수 있습니다.


  • Hong et al., 2022, Stroke, Transdural Revascularization by Multiple Burrhole After Erythropoietin in Stroke Patients With Cerebral Hypoperfusion: A Randomized
    Controlled Trial.
  • Park et al., 2020, Neurobiology of diasease, Cranial burr hole with erythropoietin administration induces reverse arteriogenesis from the enriched extracranium
  • Hong et al., 2018, Stroke, Feasibility of multiple Burr hole with erythropoietin in acute Moyamoya patients.


ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02603406
Neovascularization Induced by Mechanical Barrier disrUption and Systemic Erythropoietin in Patients With Cerebral Perfusion Deficits (NIMBUS)